Iron Hope - Pretzl

Iron Hope

In 2021, James “Iron Cowboy” Lawrence completed 100 full-distance triathlons in 100 days.  That’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 miles on the bike, and a 26.2-mile run, every day for 100 days straight. By persevering, he wanted to inspire people to do the same for whatever difficulties they are going through. In Iron Hope, Lawrence explains how readers can forge an iron will by making and keeping small promises to themselves again and again, amassing experience and building momentum until giving up becomes impossible. Combine a big dream with small improvements repeated with great consistency and make your goals and dreams a reality.  Listen to an excerpt below.

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James Lawrence aka “The Iron Cowboy” has broken two Guinness World Records for endurance racing. From March 1, 2021, till June 8, 2021, James Lawrence raced a full-distance triathlon every single day. That’s 140.6 miles a day for 100 consecutive days, totaling 14,060 miles. James is a professional speaker, averaging over 60 events a year. Having shared his story on stages in over 50 countries worldwide, James has captivated audiences around the globe.

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