Essential Reading: The GPS Guides to Life - Pretzl

Essential Reading: The GPS Guides to Life

Classics are classic for a reason. Readers looking for “Good, Practical, and Simple” wisdom from some of our most timeless thought leaders can look no further than the GPS Guides to Life collection. Bringing classic self-help and success titles to a new generation of readers, the GPS Guides to Life present essential editions of philosophical, empowering classic works in their complete and original texts—and include exclusive bonus material unique to these volumes. 

by James Allen

Originally published in 1903, James Allen’s As A Man Thinketh reveals the fundamental truth of human nature: “A man is literally what he thinks.” Allen’s deceptively simple principle has changed the lives of millions of readers, making As A Man Thinketh a classic bestseller for decades.

This edition also contains bonus book Mastery of Destiny.

by Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s life changing philosophy of success, originally published in 1937, has sold millions of copies and changed just as many lives. His simple, revolutionary “13 Steps to Riches” form a philosophy of empowerment that will allow you to seize the life you want and achieve the success you’ve dreamed of.

This edition also contains bonus pieces “Let Ambition Be Your Master” and “What I Learned from Analyzing Ten Thousand People.”

by Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a classic self-help book that has never been out of print since it was first published over a half century ago. A writer of the same class as Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, and Dale Carnegie, Dr. Joseph Murphy has helped millions of readers to harness the immense power of their subconscious minds to positively influence their lives.

This edition also contains bonus book You Can Change Your Whole Life.

by Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich: The Complete Original Edition is a New Thought classic that has helped countless people achieve their dreams and secure financial success. The inspiration behind Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book The SecretThe Science of Getting Rich offers a transformative path to success by showing readers how to use the power of thought, willpower, and intention to create wealth of all kinds in their lives.

This edition also includes two bonus books The Science of Being Great and The Science of Being Well.

by George S. Clason

The Richest Man in Babylon is a transformative book that has changed the way millions of people think about money since it was first published in 1926. Through light, entertaining parables author George S. Clason shares profound truths about wealth and success that will revolutionize the way you relate to money and interact with your finances. Clason’s wisdom has inspired countless readers to gain, grow, and maintain their wealth, making this one of the most beloved finance books of all time.

This edition also includes bonus book Acres of Diamond by Russell Conwell.

by Ernest Holmes

The Science of The Mind is a classic self-empowerment book that has changed the way countless people think of their own agency, reconnecting them with their inherent mental strength and allowing them to reach their full potential. In The Science of Mind, author Ernest Holmes teaches readers how the force of their minds—through prayer, intention, and meditation—can create real and lasting change in their physical, material, and emotional circumstances.

This edition also includes bonus material What Religious Science Teaches.

by Charles F. Haanel

Originally published as a 24-week correspondence course, The Master Key System is a step-by-step process for achieving the success that you’ve always desired. Using the creative power of thought, Charles F. Haanel will help you understand and harness your own mental power in order to manifest the life you long for.

This edition also includes bonus book Mental Chemistry.

by Claude M. Bristol

The Magic of Believing is an empowering guide that will shake up your assumptions, expand your worldview, and give you the tools to change your life. In this classic guide to success, author Claude M. Bristol boldly challenges readers to realize their own potential and unapologetically pursue their ambitions by leveraging the power of the subconscious mind. 

This edition also includes bonus book T. N. T. – It Rocks the Earth.

by Joseph Murphy

One of the leading figures in the human potential movement, Dr. Joseph Murphy has been inspiring readers of all generations. Now, in The Healing Power of Your Subconscious Mind, readers will discover two of Joseph Murphy’s most popular books on the topic of health, healing, and living a vibrant life. Combining The Healing Power of Love and How to Use Your Healing Power, this essential volume will inspire anyone looking to heal their lives through their own mental powers.

by Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s life-changing philosophy has inspired generations of readers, and his self-help titles have sold millions of copies around the world. Combining two of Napoleon Hill’s most popular books on the topics of prosperity and abundance—The Master Key to Riches and The Magic Ladder to Success—this essential volume will inspire anyone looking to create success in their life, and is perfect for businesspeople, entrepreneurs, students, and creatives. The Psychology of Wealth offers a revolutionary path to self-empowerment and fulfillment, helping readers create the reality they desire and find success in every area of life.

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