Leading With Meaning - Pretzl

Leading With Meaning

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Publication Date: April 19, 2003

Leading With Meaning

Moses Pava

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Publication Date: April 19, 2003
What makes a good leader? How does good leadership impact an organization? Moses Pava's Leading With Meaning argues that meaningful and useful answers to these questions are available in traditional religious and spiritual resources. Pava shows how religion can talk to real world problems by exploring traditional literature that deal with the idea of the biblical covenant and Jewish leadership. Using what can be learned from these in the business world is the key to building leadership based on mutual trust and respect--a covenantal leadership. In the aftermath of the Enron scandal, leadership with a soul is more important than ever before. This book offers the paths of Humanity, of No Illusions, of Integration, of Moral Imagination, of the Role Model, and of Moral Growth as six ways to achieve it. The best teachers have always showed us how to use yesterday's language to solve tomorrow's problems. Moses Pava continues in this tradition and clearly shows us why a covenantal leader is a successful leader.
What makes a good leader? How does good leadership impact an organization? Moses Pava's Leading With Meaning argues that meaningful and useful answers to these questions are available in traditional religious and spiritual resources. Pava shows how religion can talk to real world problems by exploring traditional literature that deal with the idea of the biblical covenant and Jewish leadership. Using what can be learned from these in the business world is the key to building leadership based on mutual trust and respect--a covenantal leadership. In the aftermath of the Enron scandal, leadership with a soul is more important than ever before. This book offers the paths of Humanity, of No Illusions, of Integration, of Moral Imagination, of the Role Model, and of Moral Growth as six ways to achieve it. The best teachers have always showed us how to use yesterday's language to solve tomorrow's problems. Moses Pava continues in this tradition and clearly shows us why a covenantal leader is a successful leader.


This is author Moses Pava for books
MOSES L. PAVA holds the Alvin Einbender Chair in Business Ethics at the Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University, New York. Dr. Pava is recognized internationally as one of the leading academic authorities on business ethics and has lectured in Japan, Israel, and across the United States Published widely in a variety of academic and professional journals, he is coauthor of Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance (1995, with Joshua Krausz), which was cited by Choice as one of the outstanding books in business, management, and labor for 1996.

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