Next Now - Pretzl

Next Now

Describes for Next Now by authors
Publication Date: December 26, 2006

Next Now

Marian Salzman and Ira Matathia

Present Authors date for  Next Now by authors
Publication Date: December 26, 2006
From the world-renowned trendspotting duo who has predicted everything from metrosexuality to the growth of global brands comes a new, enlightening look at the future. Based on intensive research and interviews as well as the authors' real-world and business experience in locations across the globe, this book yields surprising conclusions about everything from work (the end of permanent full-time employment) to sex (disappearing gender boundaries) to business (the emergence of true one-to-one marketing and the birth of "Chindia"). Essential reading for managers, marketers, and just about everyone else.
From the world-renowned trendspotting duo who has predicted everything from metrosexuality to the growth of global brands comes a new, enlightening look at the future. Based on intensive research and interviews as well as the authors' real-world and business experience in locations across the globe, this book yields surprising conclusions about everything from work (the end of permanent full-time employment) to sex (disappearing gender boundaries) to business (the emergence of true one-to-one marketing and the birth of "Chindia"). Essential reading for managers, marketers, and just about everyone else.


This is author Marian Salzman for books
Marian Salzman is one of the world's leading trendspotters. She is executive vice-president of advertising giant JWT. Salzman co-authored the books Next: Trends for the Near Future, Buzz: Harness the Power of Influence and Create Demand, and The Future of Men.
This is author Ira Matathia for books
Ira Matathia has spent 25 years managing and creating change in some of the world's top marketing communication enterprises. He is a partner in NoFormula, a strategic brand consultancy based in New York and London. He co-authored the books Next: Trends for the Near Future, Buzz: Harness the Power of Influence and Create Demand, and The Future of Men.
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